Sunday, May 20, 2007

Rice Kueh, soon kueh or Bangkwang Kueh and Chive Kueh

Rice Kueh, Chive Kueh

Soon Kueh or bangkwang kueh

soon kueh

Steaming the soon kueh

Soon Kueh or Bangkwang kueh

300g rice flour

100g tapioca flour

extra tapioca flour for dusting

1/2 tsp salt

2 tbsp oil

600ml water


1. Sieve rice flour and tapioca flour into a big pot.

2. Boil 600ml water with salt. When boiled, pour into the flour and quickly stir with a long stick till flour is well distributed and cooked.

3. Pour cooked rice dough on to floured table top. Add in 2 tbsp oil and knead well till smooth, adding more tapioca flour if necessary. Rest dough for 10 minutes.

4. Dip hands with water and knead dough again till smooth and pliable. Cover dough with dry towel to prevent drying.

5. Pinch a ball of dough and shape it into thin round shape

6. Fill it with the fried bangkwang

7. Place kueh on greased steaming trays, sprinkle with some water and steam over high heat for 10 minutes. When kueh puffs up, it is ready. Remove and brush with shallot oil.

8. To serve, sprinkle kueh with fried crispy shallots and dredge with some dark sweet sauce and chillie sauce.

Ingredients for Fillings

600g bangkwang (turnip)

1 carrot

100g dried prawns (washed)

5 dried mushrooms (soaked & sliced)

300g shredded pork (optional)

3 tbsp cooking oil


1 tsp light soya sauce

1 tsp sesame oil

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

1/2 bowl water


1. Skin turnip and carrot. Cut into thin strips.

2. Heat oil in wok, fry chopped garlics and dried prawns till fragrant. Add in the shredded pork (if used), sliced mushrooms, carrot and turnip strips. Add seasoning and some water and stir fry till turnips are soft and ingredients are almost dry. Dish up and leave aside to cool

Rice kueh or Png kueh
For the skin use the Soon kueh or bangkwang kueh method.

Cooked glutinous rice, peanut, dry shrimp and mushroom for the filling of the rice kueh.

Using the rice flour and tapicoa flour to make the dough.

Filling Ingredients:

300g glutinuous rice

50g peanuts

30g dried shrimps

3 dried mushrooms


1 tsp pepper

1 tsp chicken stock

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tbsp light soya sauce


1. Soak dried mushrooms and cut into strips. Wash dried shrimps and drain. Fry some shallots and add in the shrimps and mushroom.

2 Soak glutinous rice for 3 hours. Wash and drain rice. Add enough water to just cover rice. Put in all the fried ingredient and peanut and steam for half an hour or until cooked.

Rice Kueh and Soon Kueh

Rice Kueh and Soon Kueh

Rice kueh and Soon Kueh ready to be steamed

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