Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Kow Teng Kueh or Rainbow Kueh

Kow Teng Kueh or Rainbow Kueh

150gm rice flour
500gm tapioca flour
450gm sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp salt
1500ml coconut milk
pandan leaves

1. Mix rice flour, tapioca flour and vanilla essence together. Add 700ml of coconut milk and salt and mix well in another bowl.
2. Put sugar, pandan leaves and 800ml coconut milk in a pot. Stir well and boil it. Leave it to cool.
3. Add flour mixture (1) to the boiled coconut milk (2).
4. Divide the mixture into different portions to have the different colours you like.
5. Pour 2 big scoops of the first coloured mixture into tray and steam for 8 mins.
6. Pour the next coloured mixture about 2 big scoops and steam for 5 mins. Repeat the rest till 9 layers.
7. First layer preferably white must steam for 8 mins and the rest 5 mins.

Kow Teng Kueh or Rainbow kueh - need some patient to steam layer by layer of the different colour at a time.

Kow Teng Kueh or Rainbow Kueh with 9 layers.

Beautiful Rainbow Kueh in slices.

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