Sunday, May 20, 2007


All the ingredients for the popiah.
For the ingredients: Fried the turnip and carrot together with dry shrimp. Put aside. Boil an egg and cut into slices. Boil some prawn and peel the shell. Fry the bean curd and cut into small slices. Blanched the bean sprout. Lettuce, sweet black sauce and chopped peanut.

Spread some black sweet sauce and chilli on a popiah skin. Add in some lettuce, towgay, turnip, prawn, egg, taukwa and peanut . Then rolled it up.

Popiah ready to be eaten.

fruits rojak
mixed the prawn paste with the tamarind solution and sugar. Add a little chilli paste. Heat the taupok and cut in strip.Then added in the cut apples, pears, bean sprouts (blanched) and peanut. It was delightful and yummy.

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