Friday, June 1, 2007

Fried Slice Fish Noodle

fried slice fish noodle

Firstly - cut the fish into cubes and marinate it with a little sesame oil, light sauce and pepper. Prior to frying, coat it with corn flour. Deep fry the fish till golden. Fry some ikan bilis and put aside.
At the same time prepare a pot of water and throw in some sliced ginger and ikan bilis. Let it boil for a while. Then add in half a can of carnation milk and a little salt. (Optional: can add a few thin slices of salted vegetables and a little hua tiao ju.) Pour in some Chye Sim and let it boil.
In another pot boil some water and put in the noodle (laksa noodle i.e. chor bee hoon). Remove when cooked, strain and place into bowls. Ladle the soup onto the noodles and top with the fried fish slices, chinese parsley and some fried ikan bilis.

Fried snapper fish

Rojak - you tiao, taupok, bean sprout, kang kong, pear and apple

Mango Pudding

Chicken Rendang

Cooked lettuce soup

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