Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Slice Fish Noodle

Slice Fish Noodle

Fish (i used deep sea perch fish) - slice it
Optional - if you like fried fish then marinate it and coat it with corn flour and deep fried it and put it aside
Thick bee hoon (the one use for laksa)
ginger - cut into slices
carnation milk
some chye sim vege
ikan bilis (deep fried it for garnishing)
hwa tiao wine (optional)

1. Boil the water with some ikan bilis and half cube of ikan bilis stock.
2. Put in the slice ginger.
3. When it boils then add in the carnation milk (just 1/4 of the can).
4. When it boils add in chye sim and hwa tiao (optional)- add light sauce and pepper. Season to taste.
5. Add in slice fish to have a quick cook.
6. Blanch the thick bee hoon with hot water.
7. Pour the soup with slice fish onto the thick been hoon and garnish it with fried ikan bilis and corriander.

Sweet Potato soup

Celery with chicken, carrot and mushroom for soup.

Cooked Black Pepper Beef

Egg Omelette with onion

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