Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fish Porridge /Fried Tang Hoon/French Toast

Fish Porridge with fried tau kwa

Deep fry the cube tau kwa till crispy and set aside.
Fry the ginger.
Boil the rice in water
Add 1/2 a cube of ikan bilis stock to cooking porridge. add in ginger and little tong chye.
Add a little salt.
When porridge is cooked, add in the slice fish (i use sea perch fish)
Add pepper.
Add the crispy tau kwa into the bowl of fish porridge.

Fried Hokkien Tang Hoon

Fried garlic with oil and little sesame oil.
Add in dry mushroom and fish cake then add cabbage and fry.
Add some water as cabbage takes longer time to cook.
When cabbage is cooked, add in tang hoon and prawns.
Add black sauce, pepper and some salt.
Mix it well and add in some cut chillies and corriander.

Fried Hokkien Tang Hoon

Hokkien French Toast for breakfast

Beat 2 eggs.
Add sugar and black soya sauce.
dip bread into the mixture.
Pan fried it till brown.

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