Monday, October 25, 2010

Fried Chao Tow Kuay, Mexican buns & Lontong

Fried Chao Tow Kuay (fried radish cake) for breakfast (I steamed the radish cake the day before using the same recipe from my previous blog but for this one - I just steamed it with radish.)

Cooked Lei Cha for dinner

Cooked Lei Cha for dinner (fried bean curd missing in the picture)

Baked Mexican buns

Baked Mexican buns

Cooked Lontong for dinner

Cabbage - cut in big slices
Turnip - thick long strip
Long bean - cut about same size as turnip
Fried tau kwa
Bamboe Lodeh vegetable stew paste
Tean's Gourmet Kari vegetable chilli paste
2 cups of coconut milk

Fry the shallot and garlic and then add in chilli paste and stew paste. Add in cabbage and water and simmer for a while. Then add in turnip, long bean and tau kwa. When vegetable soften add in coconut milk.

22-10-10: Ketupat for the lontong

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