Sunday, February 21, 2010

Chinese New Year 2010

baked coca cola cake

Coca cola cake

250 self rising flour
3 heap tbsp cocoa powser
1/4 tsp baking soda
280g golden caster sugar
200g unsalted butter
1 cup of coca cola
1/2 cup milk
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat 180C - 9" cake pan
Sift flour, cocoa and baking soda. Stir in caster sugar. Melt butter and coca cola in pan at low heat. Add butter mixture into the flour mixture and follow by milk, eggs and vanilla. Stirring all the time. Once thoroughly blended gently poured into the cake pan and bake for 40mins or till cooked. Leave in tin for 10 mins before remove the cake. Let it cool

walnut muffins

walnut muffins

6 eggs
1/2 cold water
1 1/2 sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1 1/4 cup flour, sifted
1 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cup walnuts chopped fine
walnuts cut in pieces for the top

Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colour. Add water and beat well. Beat in sugar and gradually add vanilla. Fold in flour, salt and nuts. Beat egg whites and cream of tartar till stiff, then fold into the yolk mixtures. (for cake bake about an hour in 160C, for muffin bake about half an hour.)

Coca cola cake with walnut muffins

Pineapple tarts with pine nuts

113g butter
3 egg yolks
170g plain flour
pinch of salt
1/4 tsp baking powder

Sift flour with salt and baking powder.
Cut butter into small cubes and mix it together with the flour by "rubbing method".
Add 3 egg yolks one at a time and mix till dough is even
(do no knead the dough)

1 pineapples
3 ozs sugar

Grate pineapple, sieve the juice. Put the pineapple into a pot and cook under slow fire till dry then add in sugar and cook till it dry.

Pineapple tarts

Pistachio cookies

Pistachio cookies

Cashew nut cookies

(this method can use for pistachio nut cookies and macadamia nut cookies)
240g butter (or 1 cup)
3/4 cup icing sugar
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
180g cashew nut, ground
1 egg yolk
1 tsp vanilla essence
100g whole cashew nuts
1 egg yolk for glazing

Sift flour and baking powder together.
Cream butter and icing sugar. Add egg yolk and vanilla.
Fold in the flour and ground nuts. Mix until it forms a dough.
Roll dough to about 1/4inch thick and cut with cookie cutters.
Brush with egg wash and decorate with cashew nut on top.
Bake 160C for about 15-20mins.

Cashew nut cookies

dried shrimp cookies

Ingredient A
200g plain flour
50g corn flour
1tsp baking powder

50g Nestle corn flakes finely ground
50g dried shrimp, finely ground
1 tsp maggi ikan bilis stock (buy those powder one)
200 g butter
100g caster sugar
1 egg yolk
1 egg for glazing
dried shrimp, finely ground for decoration

Sift together ingredient A, then stir in Nestle corn flakes, dried shrimp and maggi ikan bilis stock. Mix well and set aside.
Cream butter and sugar until fluffy.
Fold in flour mixture and mix well until soft dough forms. Roll dough into 1 cm thickness and cut with desired cookie cutter.
Place dough on lightly greased baking tray, allow room for spreading. Glaze with egg and decorate with ground dried shrimp.
Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 15-20mins or until golden brown. Remove from oven and let it stand for 20mins.

dried shrimp cookies

calamari with lemon mayo

Squid cuit into pieces
coat with plain flour
then egg, beaten
then panko breadcrumbs
deep fry

lemon mayo sauce
zest the lemon (2 or 3 lemons)
juice 1 lemon
mix with mayo

Chocolate milk jelly
13g agar agar powder
200gm sugar
200ml evaporated milk
cocoa powder (or 1 tbsp green tea powder macha)

Mixed sugar with agar agar until well mixed. Add water to the mixture and bring to boil under high fire.
Add cocoa powder (or green tea powder). Stir until sugar dissolve, strain through the finest filter and put it aside to cool.
Once it slightly cool, add in evaporated milk, then sieve it again, put them into prepared tray to cool.
once set , chill in fridge.

chicken rolls done by sil

4 chicken thighs
2 whole heads/cloves of garlic, minced (fry in olive oil) - add more
Honey - add more
Light soy sauce - add more
tomato sauce - add more
dark soy sauce - add less
mirin - add less
oyster sauce - add less
ketchup mania - add less
sake - add less
chinese wine add less

Marinate chicken with all sauces then refrigerate.
Put on tray, skin side up - sear until golden brown at 220C
Then immediately reduce to 175C and flip the chicken skin side down.
When browned, then flip back to skin side up then pierce with knife to check if juices run clear
Cool chicken, shred the meat and distribute on spring roll skin with some minced spring onions.
Steam or microwave to warm rolls. ready to serve

Steamboat dinner for 1st and 2nd day of Chinese New year

3rd day Chinese New Year - home-cooked food for guests

home-cooked pumpkin soup

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